Illustration of drowning hand making peace sign
Nice Try Though
A kaleidoscope of thoughts around leadership, innovation and the meaning of life.
Sometimes personal anecdote, sometimes crazy scribbles from my notebook, sometimes a conversation overheard, then again something completely different. What you can count on: it will always be straight out of life experience, practical advice to get started and meaningful questions that help you explore your own perspective.
How I tricked myself into leadership.
Published January 3, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes read
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Failed or not failed - that's the question
Published January 4, 2022
Reading time 4 minutes read
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Killing the Fast Food Feedback
(Part I)
Published January 17, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes read
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Truth is something of a fickle mistress
Published January 26, 2022
Reading time 1 minutes read
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The magic potion: Feedback mixology (Part II)
Published January 26, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes read
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Memo to myself : 10 thoughts on how to keep my cool as a female in leadership
Published March 8, 2022
Reading time 4 minutes read
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7 Things to remember when practicing allyship for diverse leadership
Published March 8, 2022
Reading time 3 minutes read
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The feedback drink of Eva
Published April 27, 2022
Reading time 2 minutes read
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The illusion of easy choices aka goodbye, control freak.
Published April 19, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes read
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The business of busyness
Published May 7, 2022
Reading time 4 minutes read
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Calendaring like a pro
Published May 8, 2022
Reading time 6 minutes read
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The Big S-Word
Published July 26, 2022
Reading time 2 minutes read
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Strategy, is it you?
Published July 26, 2022
Reading time 4 minutes read
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Escaping strategy hibernation
Published August 17, 2022
Reading time 6 minutes read
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Lost in space
Published October 24, 2022
Reading time 6 minutes read
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Collaboration in Crisis
Published October 31, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes read
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The disaster of delegation
Published February 22, 2023
Reading time 7 minutes read
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Published April 25, 2023
Reading time 5 minutes read
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Designing for Now is not enough
Published July 27, 2023
Reading time 7 minutes read
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Meetings that could have been an excel
Published July 27, 2023
Reading time 3 minutes read
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A kaleidoscope of competences
Published August 8, 2023
Reading time 7 minutes read
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Patterns of problems (Part One)
Published October 4, 2023
Reading time 7 minutes read
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Nostalgia for the Future
Published January 3, 2024
Reading time 6 minutes read
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Change the rhythm, not the dancers
Published March 8, 2024
Reading time 5 minutes read
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No straight lines in strategy
Published July 16, 2024
Reading time 5 minutes read
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