Brain, Guts and Heart
Me, Myself and I
Strategy. Innovation. Business Design. Leadership. All of it with brain, heart and guts.

I’m am a strategist, business designer and researcher and I love to work “in between” diverse disciplines, perspectives and people.

What I do best? I make meaningful things happen. Meaningful things that are the fundament for organisations’ success today and tomorrow. By exploring new ways of doing business, new ways of creating value and new ways of leadership.

In my 12 years of practice I have inspired, consulted and transformed more than 80+ companies and have helped ​them create long-lasting impact for their customers, their business and society.
Sometimes this is about developing a new strategy and business model, other times about creating new products and portfolios, ultimately about paving their journey into a customer-centric organization.

Photo: Nicole Siemers

Curriculum Vitae

2022 - today
02/2022 - today
My current challenge is being a Managing Director at Berlin's strategy consultancy diffferent where I'm leading 120 people together with two amazing colleagues. Bringing to life the positioning of "New Growth (Neues Wachstum), I'm responsible for strengthening and growing our Business design offering, developing and designing new business models and business strategies for clients across many industries (mobility, finance, health, retail, etc.). Beyond, I'm responsible for Business Development and New Biz as well as diffferent marketing.
2017 - 2022
Sep 2020 — Jan 2022
Managing Director Strategy & Innovation
Leading and inspiring 600 people across a time of change after becoming part of Accenture Interactive. Responsible for all new business and business development. Living cross-functionality by leading the strategy practice, co-leading engineering and co-leading design. Focus on innovation, strategy and strategic design projects from first thought to implementation.
Sep 2017 — Aug 2020
Principal/ Director Strategy & Innovation
I love challenging my own organization and enable creative excellence within cross-functional teams. So, beyond sharing the team lead for the Strategy Team at SinnerSchrader (20 people) with two other amazing women, I built up and led the New Business Team at SinnerSchrader, being responsible for all pitch work during that time and succeeded in bringing up the winning rate to 85% during that time. Besides, I built up a team of specialists who expanded our offering in the areas of Business & Service Design, Ethnographic Research and Innovation Consulting, resulting in successful projects in finance, mobility and healthcare.
Sep 2016 — Aug 2017
Senior Strategist
Starting at SinnerSchrader, I closed the loop and learned how to seamless weave strategy work into direct implementation and development. From first conception to final scaling. I worked on a broad range of digital strategy and transformation projects, among others: building up a lab for venturing and intrapreneurship for a German Telco company; Being the Digital Strategy Lead for Volkswagen and leading an Service innovation and Business Design project for the Haspa (Kiekmo)
2014 - 2016
Aug 2014 - Jul 2016
(Senior) Digital Strategist
One of the best companies I ever worked for - Robinizers, was a small, creative design and strategy studio working on digital transformation for clients from all kinds of industries. In a team of 30-40 people from 15 different nations, we brought together the best of design and strategy expertise, exploring future opportunities for organizations, their brands and their portfolios. My favorite projects included a brand and digital commerce strategy for luxury brand Wempe, a digital transformation and business design project for Hartmann that was rolled out in 30 countries, and long-term digital and content strategy work for Beiersdorf - the first skincare encyclopedia thought from a customer's point of view.
Mar 2014 - Aug 2014
Scholz & Friends
Mar 2014 - Aug 2014
Trend & Strategy Consultant
Scholz & Friends wasn't for me. That's why I only spent a little while here, working on projects related to trends and innovation work to inform today's businesses on tomorrow's opportunities.
Mar 2011 - Dec 2014
TRENDBÜRO / Wippermann Trendforschung
Jan 2013 - Feb 2014
Freelance Trend Strategist & Researcher
After the TRENDBÜRO moved to Munich, I stayed behind and freelanced for Peter Wippermann, working on large trend reports like the Werteindex, industry reports, editorial work and presentations across many topics (e.g. future of sex, future of gender, House Appliances 2020, Healthcare, etc.)
Mar 2011 - Dec 2012
Junior Trend Consultant
In my first job, I fell in love with the future and exploring how people and societies evolve over time. As part of a interdisciplinary team, I uncovered new trends and developments in a range of different areas - from the future of cruises, the evolution of design to future mobility behavior of Gen Z. Leveraging qualitative and quantitative research as well as pattern recognition methodology, we uncovered future potential for companies, people and organizations in forms of trend reports, workshops and editorial work.